Sedona Red Rockettes 99s Sedona 99s Minutes —January 4th, 2025, 12pm @ Sedona Airport Phone: 928-421-3620
Members Attending: Lori Parker, Brenda Gay, Natalia Donohoe, Debbie Schwallie, Shayla Carter, Cynthia Clark, Matrieya Viafora, Genie MacArthur-Vogelsang. Guests Attending: Heather Malloy, Donna Stiebert, Alicia Brown, Gina Brown, Haley Bach
* Natalia successfully completed her checkride on December 16th!!!****
January Birthdays! — Happy Birthday Brenda and Debbie! Happy belated Birthday to Natalia! (Dec 25th)
Surprise! Debbie made some incredible 99s cookies!!!!!!!! Thank you!
• Rich and Brenda brought their Sling Aircraft for the 99s to see. Of course wehad to have a picture!
• A group of Phoenix 99s were at the Mesa Grill for lunch and stopped by our meeting! Great ladies!!!
Today’s Speaker - Natalia
• Natalia gave a great presentation about her recent Private Pilot checkride! The Chapter presented her with an aviation necklace. She will be moving in a couple of weeks to Seattle. We are really going to miss her!!!
• We are putting the final touches on the student pilot scholarship application. Currently Lori and Debbie are on the scholarship committee. A third Sedona 99 is welcome to join. Please contact Lori if interested.
• Dues are$20. Please pay Brenda or use Zelle. Thank you!
• Debbie will be sending out a request for bio. Please submit 3-4 sentences about yourself and send to Debbie or Lori.
Outreach: Received thank you note from Barbara for the donation to the SallyPat Transitional Housing for Women.
• We are on LinkedIn -“Sedona Red Rockettes Ninety-Nines”. Let’s post! Who is willing to set up and monitor Facebook or other Social Media? Lori checked into the possibility of SWS hosting our website so we can reduce costs. They are meeting
in the New Year to see if that can happen soon. In the meantime, Lori has a friend who used to set up websites to see if he has any suggestions. Cynthia volunteered to host on her platform. Lori will find out if we can keep our domain name.
• Satya will check on pricing for 99s embroidered patch (with updated logo).
• Did you see it? We put the following announcement in the Southwesterly: “The Sedona Red Rockettes 99s have grown from eight to eighteen in eight short months! What fun it is to introduce pilots and student pilots to the Ninety-Nines! We are on a roll! Our first fundraising event of the year was co-sponsoring the movie Pancho Barnes on July 24th at the Mary Fisher
Theater in Sedona, AZ. Three of the chapter members dressed up in vintage aviator costumes to enhance the
afternoon’s entertainment. This event and 50/50 cash raffle helped to earn funds for their 2025 Northern Arizona
student pilot scholarship and brought awareness to those who didn’t know about Pancho and her incredible life.
We also put together a unique art display and celebration of Amelia Earhart at Yavapai College in Sedona. The
reception brought people from the community who wanted to know more about the 99s!”
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
• February 4th at 6pm: We are receiving a $3,000 donation from the Cottonwood EAA for a scholarship.
The official award ceremony will be at the EAA building at the Cottonwood Airport at 6:00pm. Please
attend so we can show our appreciation for their generosity.
• February 22nd: This will be a short meeting plus social event, celebrating Shayla’s soon to be born little
one. How fun this will be!!! Nick Clouse from Stick Monkey will talk about options for flying in other
• March 15th am: St Patrick’s Day Parade in Sedona is the morning of March 15th!!! Bob Schwallie will be
driving the truck and we’ll be in the open back promoting the Sedona 99s! Another fun event! Bob is
even customizing the seating for comfort and safety!
What a fun get-together! Thank you all for coming and enjoying the celebration! See you February 4th in
Respectfully Submitted, Lori Parker, Chair